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Virtual Tours Get the Job Done

Virtual House Tour benefits

In these pandemic times, virtual house tours are the way to go if you intend to sell your home. Homebuyers can visit a house they fancy without venturing out and getting exposed to COVD-19. Not only does this real estate marketing concept give potential buyers a full view of the home and allow them to inspect every detail, nook, and cranny, but its interactive function lets them ask questions regarding the home and get answers in real time.

Pre-recorded home walkthroughs are just as effective as these give three-dimensional renderings of the home’s various aspects. It can show how the home looks with or without certain items, like pieces of furniture.

Whether pre-recorded or live, these virtual tours carry the same advantages. Here they are in detail:


No need to worry about asking for a morning off from work, skipping an online meeting, or waiting for the agent’s availability. The pre-recorded virtual tours allow homebuyers to view the house anywhere, anytime. No need to set an appointment with the agent or to check if the weather or certain situations will allow them to leave their home.


For the seller, meeting each prospective home buyer is difficult and time-consuming. A virtual tour helps to separate serious from half-hearted buyers and lets the seller focus on the former. This saves a lot of time and effort in meeting a potential buyer.

Wider reach

Potential buyers from outside the state or even from outside the country can view and experience the home without having to leave their house and purchase an airline ticket.

The chance to imagine

Virtual tours give prospective buyers time to examine the home in detail for as long as they want until they can form an image of themselves in it. They can linger in certain areas and imagine how it would be like staying there as the home’s owner.

Richer experience

While not as tangible to all senses as the in-person home viewing, virtual tours can still give good insights into the home’s layout, fixtures, and amenities. The buyer can also scrutinize home essentials like lighting, flooring, kitchen countertops, wall finishes, and others.

Home revisits

Buyers often revisit a home they’re interested in several times before signing on the dotted line. Virtual tours allow them to check and recheck a house they fancy whenever and wherever they want without having to go to its location.

Increased site traffic

Online listings with accompanying virtual tours enjoy over 40% more clicks versus those that rely only on images. This speeds up sales and helps the home rank better in search results.

Lower bounce rates

Visual tours have the ability to engage the viewer enough that it lowers the bounce rate, or the number of visitors leaving the website after viewing one page. This also boosts traffic and search engine results. The home is better remembered and gets improved social media exposure.

Better chances of going viral

A viral virtual tour can reach a wider audience and get you more buyers faster.

The best guide in your home-selling journey this pandemic in Somerset County, NJ is Pagnotta Homes. Call the team at 908.436.7947 or send them an email at info(at)pagnottahomes(dotted)com.

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